九州に誇る日本庭園 ~ The best Japanese garden in Kyushu.

~ 究極の安らぎと美しさを求めて ~

 日本には、私たちの心を癒してくれるすばらしい日本庭園がたくさんあります。 しかし、それらは寺社庭園や大名庭園等、歴史的公的なものであることがほとんどです。 また、そうではなかったとしても、それは、旅館や高級料亭等、営業目的のために維持されている場合が大半ではないでしょうか。

-- A Japanese Garden: seeking serenity and beauty in a living home. --

There are many splendid Japanese gardens within Japan which capture our hearts. However, more often we think of the gardens in grand and historic places in Japan, such as temples, shrines and residences of feudal lords.
Frequently gardens are only maintained for the purpose of business. There are many beautiful gardens in hotels and top Japanese restaurants.

Such being the case, it is rare to find a Japanese garden of such beauty and tranquillity in a private house.
The garden is situated on a site of more than 3,000m², an unusually large site for a private garden.
When you enter the garden, if you close your eyes you will experience the tranquillity of silence. The only sounds to be heard are that of trees rustling in the wind, birds chirping and the murmurs of a stream.
Could there be a better place to relax and unwind?


-- We aim to be the NO.I garden in a private house in Japan. --

~ 江戸時代にタイムスリップした感のある門塀 ~
~ 雪化粧をした冬の枯山水庭 - part.1 ~
~ 枯山水 ~
~ 中央後方に東屋があります。椅子に腰かけてちょっと休憩。どことなく風情が漂います。 ~
~ 枯山水 ~